Not gonna lie, if you're a regular visitor to these here pages, you'll be well aware of my unabashed liking of (note: if I say 'love of' you'll probably never come back) One Direction. I like to think it's because my inner 17 year old is still alive and kicking; if I were 17 again, I'm sure my walls would be plastered with all manner of One D memorabilia while my Twitter handle would no doubt constitute something along the lines of @carolinestyles, @omgiloveonedirection or @zayniwantyourbabies. Thankfully though, I'm not 17 anymore and I have some perspective.

That's not to say I won't be going to see their new documentary movie, which we've just had another sneak peak of. Even if it's just from an anthropological perspective (it's not), in the same way that I watch Honey Boo Boo Child and her fat, gross mother; it'd be interesting to see the level of mania that follows them wherever they go, and interesting to see what goes on behind the scenes when you're the world's most successful boyband.

Check out the trailer right here.