We're now a month out from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and the excitement is slowly starting to reach critical mass.

There's been no early word or reviews yet, but we're hopeful for big things - Death Star-sized things, in fact - for Rogue One. Arriving online last night, the international trailer gives us a few more glimpses of the action and we also get another look at Darth Vader, who still hasn't said anything beyond the trademark heavy breathing.

We also clocked a huge space battle, which we expect is from the final sequence when they attack the Death Star construction site, and another few shots of the jungle battle with the AT-ATs.

Right, that's enough filler. Take a look at this.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hits Irish cinemas on December 15th and we'll have a full review hopefully before then.

Let us know what you think of the trailer in the comments!

Via YouTube