That's over three-quarters more Chris Hemsworth than that other trailer we saw a couple of days ago.

As we mentioned, the online reaction to that trailer wasn't exactly positive, but here's hoping this trailer will go some of the way to repairing the damage. For our part, we think this is a much better trailer and tells us that they probably watched the fan-edit trailer that did the rounds over the weekend.

Take a look and see for yourself.

It's an improvement, to be sure. Chris Hemsworth's character definitely looks like he could be funny and it does seem to work better without all the slapstick nonsense we saw the first time out.

We're hoping beyond hope that this is good because, let's face it, we need a decent comedy like this. The second one, sure, it wasn't the best - but the first one was basically perfect. We need to something to at least strive to reach that level.

What do you make of this trailer? Hate it or love it? Let us know in the comments!


Via YouTube / Empire