They're great, sure, but you never need to see them again.

There are some films that you can easily watch again and again.

It may be because they're so much to see and follow that they warrant second or third viewings, it may be because the jokes never get old, it could even be just that they're especially comforting for you.

The movies on this list, however, are not comforting. At all. In fact, if you watch any of these on a regular basis, look at yourself because there's something seriously wrong with you. Don't get us wrong - these are all fantastic movies, but it's pretty hard to sit through these a second time.

Read on, if you're up to it...


10. 'HARD CANDY' (2005)

Elliot Page terrorises a suspected paedophile and, well, it gets vicious. Really, really vicious. What makes 'Hard Candy' so traumatising is both its frank depiction of violence, the fact that it's about paedophilia and the fact that you really can't look at Elliot Page the same way after seeing this. Or Patrick Wilson, for that matter. Wilson admitted that he actually passed out during the filming of one particular scene.


9. 'DELIVERANCE' (1972)

Although people might remember 'Deliverance' for the infamous Duelling Banjos scene, what most people likely remember it for is the brutal rape scene involving Ned Beatty. Nearly 50 years after its release, it's every bit as disturbing then as it is now. It isn't just that scene that makes it all so unnerving, though. During production, the cast performed all of their own stunts and didn't even have insurance. Ronny Cox actually really did climb the side of a cliff. What's more, shortly after the movie came out, it was reported that more than 30 people drowned in the Chattooga river trying to recreate the same adventure.


8. 'FUNNY GAMES' (1997 / 2007)

Michael Haneke has made a career out of making disturbing content that features socially detached people, sadists, masochists and casual violence. None more disturbing is 'Funny Games', a story about two good-looking brothers who decide to terrorise a small family simply because they can. It doesn't really matter which version you see, the original German one or the one with Michael Pitt, Tim Roth, and Naomi Watts - they're both equally messed up.


7. 'BLUE VALENTINE' (2010)

Movies don't need to deal with violence or gore in order to unsettle or disturb you, and 'Blue Valentine' is a good example of this. Derek Cianfrance's romantic drama about the decline of a relationship between a married couple doesn't just hollow you out, it will actually have you questioning any relationship you've ever had. Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams give arguably the best performances of their career, but it's the interplay between them and the eventual disintegration that's just harrowing to watch. Really, don't watch this if you're in the honeymoon phase of a relationship. Same goes for...



Story time. We know someone who went to see this movie during a particularly rough patch in a relationship. Why'd they go see it? Oh, it's Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet! Oh, this'll be romantic. URRR. WRONG. Be prepared for two hours of Jack and Rose from 'Titanic' screaming at each other. Not only will it make you wary of getting into a relationship, it'll also make you terrified of any job you're currently in. Seriously, this movie needs to come with a health warning. You'll question everything you've ever done after seeing this. Career choices, love life. All of it.


5. 'ANTICHRIST' (2009)

Lars Von Trier is known for being a controversial man and known for making controversial movies. It's not exactly known why he does this, whether it's to deliberately shock people or if it's for some idea or artistic vision. Looking over his work, it's obvious that he has some kind of idea of what he's about and 'Antichrist' does, admittedly, have a cohesive narrative. It also has a talking fox that's actually Satan, a man getting a certain appendage cut off and was written when Trier was in the depths of a serious depression. So it's wine and roses, basically.


4. 'SHAME' (2011)

It's hard to know exactly how to approach 'Shame'. On the one hand, you could argue that the movie is almost prudish and that sexual urges shouldn't be the subject of shameful displays in Michael Fassbender's character. On the other hand, it's clear that both characters - Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan - are deeply wounded people who have a truly damaged and unhealthy view of sex and relationships.

'Shame' is stunningly beautiful in terms of cinematography and the acting is just incredible. Why Michael Fassbender never won an Oscar for his performance, we'll never know. That said, as fantastic as it truly is, there is no way you could sit through it twice.



If you've ever seen 'Requiem For A Dream', you'll know just how disturbing, sickening and harrowing it is. What makes it even more horrifying is that, realistically, the events that unfold could happen to anyone. Almost all of the stories in the movie begin in simple enough terms, but it's how it all slowly begins to spiral out of control that we see just how far and quickly it can get away.

As well as dealing with drug addiction, it also focuses on how we see ourselves and the addiction of perfection, or perceived perfection. Ellen Burstyn's character, for example, tries desperately to make herself more youthful. Jared Leto, in a career-best performance, just wants to become a businessman - but does this by selling hard drugs. It's all so, so terrible and what's more, it's so believable. That's the real horror.


2. 'SCHINDLER'S LIST' (1993)

Steven Spielberg became so depressed during the filming of 'Schindler's List' that he frequently called the late Robin Williams to lift his spirits and make him laugh. Ralph Fiennes looked, dressed and sounded so much like the Nazi commandant Amon Goth that, when introduced to an actual survivor of the Holocaust, said survivor reportedly froze in terror. Spielberg offered the director's chair to numerous well-known contemporaries, including Martin Scorsese, Sydney Pollack before he assumed the role.

Billy Wilder, who directed the likes of 'Stalag 17', 'Some Like It Hot', and 'The Apartment', had attempted to mount a production as a memorial to his own family who perished in the camps. It was only when Holocaust deniers began gaining more media attention that Spielberg signed on to direct the film, for which he would eventually win Best Director. To this day, Spielberg hasn't accepted any money from 'Schindler's List' and refused his salary for making it, calling it "blood money". The proceeds from the box office of 'Schindler's List' go to the USC Shoah Foundation.


1. 'A SERBIAN FILM' (2010)

It's quicker to list the countries this movie HASN'T been banned in than the ones it has. 'A Serbian Film' has been described by many critics as sickening, traumatic, morally evil, shocking and that it appealed only to mouth-breathing gorehounds. Those are all accurate. The director, however, has said that the movie is an allegory for the Serbian government and the trauma that the nation had experienced.

Serbia was previously under the control of Slobodan Milošević, a brutal dictator who frequently murdered his political opponents and was brought before the Hague on genocide charges. The fact that the movie was specifically called 'A Serbian Film' was a pointed gesture to the country's past.