Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are already being touted as next year's Oscar hosts. Seth MacFarlane sure won't be back. And I don't think any of us want to see Billy Crystal return again; he's done it enough times now. And while we thought Fey and Poehler would jump at the chance, after doing so well at the Globes, it seems they're not too keen either.

Speaking to The Huffington Post, Fey explained how entirely different it would be to present the Oscars. And she's right too; it's a wildly different beast and while the audience are made up of much the same guests as you'd find at the somewhat low-key globes, they're a lot more sensitive when they're sitting in the Dolby Theatre. Thus, the job becomes all the more intimidating.

"I just feel like that gig is so hard. Especially for, like, a woman - the amount of months that would be spent trying on dresses alone... no way," said the 30 Rock star.

Nevertheless, she was rather pleased for her honourable mention courtesy of William Shatner during the opening sequence for the Oscars: "It's an honour to be 'Shatnered".

She's a witty one, that's for sure.