A long quiz, on a website not too far away...

What with today being 'Star Wars Day' - or May 4th to everyone else - what better time to test your knowledge?

We've got a grand total of 30 - that's right, thirty - quiz questions pulled from everything from 'A New Hope' to 'The Rise of Skywalker' and everything in between.

However, we have specifically left out questions from 'The Mandalorian', all of the games (canon or non-canon), and all of the novels (canon or non-canon) as well. In short, it's the movies and just the movies. That being said, there's more than enough material across them all to fill out another thirty quiz questions.

There's no timer on any of the questions, so take as long as you need and don't forget to post your scores when you're done.

Good luck, and may the Force be with you.

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In 'Attack of the Clones', Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered that a Jedi Master had supposedly placed the order on behalf of the Republic for the army of clones. Who was the Jedi Master in question?

In 'The Empire Strikes Back', Lando Calrissian had an assistant named Lobot. Was his name ever mentioned in the movie?

Which of Luke Skywalker's hands was cut off by Darth Vader?

True or false - General Madine from 'Return of the Jedi' starred as one of the Morbegs.

What type of TIE fighter did Darth Vader fly during the final battle above the Death Star?

What class of ship was the Millennium Falcon?

In 'The Phantom Menace', Anakin Skywalker and his mother lived in a settlement on Tatooine. What was it called?

Endor was referred to by another name in 'Return of the Jedi'. What was it?

In 'A New Hope', the Millennium Falcon was parked in a docking bay in Mos Eisley. Which one was it?

In 'A New Hope', someone impersonated a Stormtrooper and lured an officer aboard the Millennium Falcon where they shot him. What was the Stormtrooper's registry number?

In 'Solo: A Star Wars Story', Han and Chewie met for the first time on what planet?

In 'The Force Awakens', what planet was Maz Kanata's hideout?

In 'The Last Jedi', Finn and Rose set off to Canto Bight to meet the Master Codebreaker at a casino. Who played this character?

In 'The Rise of Skywalker', what colour was Rey's own lightsaber revealed to be at the very end of the movie?

In 'Revenge of the Sith', Chancellor Palpatine murdered Mace Windu. How did he do this?

George Lucas directed 'A New Hope', while Irvin Kershner directed 'The Empire Strikes Back'. Who directed 'Return of the Jedi'?

Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker had their final confrontation on what planet?

In 'The Last Jedi', Luke Skywalker refused to train Rey initially. What were his reasons for this?

Daniel Craig had a small cameo in 'The Force Awakens'. What was it?

What was the name of Supreme Leader Snoke's massive ship?

In 'Attack of the Clones', Jango Fett told Obi-Wan Kenobi he was recruited by someone later revealed as Count Dooku. Fett knew him by a different name. What was it?

Which of these wing-types did NOT appear in any of the movies?

Out of the three sequel movies, which performed the worst on Rotten Tomatoes?

In 'Solo: A Star Wars Story', a character from the prequel trilogy appears towards the end of the movie in hologram form. Who was it?

Grand Moff Tarkin assumed control of the Death Star at the end of 'Rogue One' and destroyed Scarif rather than allow the archives stored there be taken by the Rebel Alliance. Who was originally in control of the Death Star before this happened?

What was Anakin Skywalker's mother called?

True or false - Keira Knightley was in 'The Force Awakens'.