You only need to look at the likes of Orange Is The New Black or The Accountant to know that both LGBT characters and those with autism are pretty underrepresented in TV, film and general pop culture.

Not only that, it proves that representation matters and the upcoming Power Rangers reboot is doing its part to help. It's been confirmed by ScreenRant that the Yellow Power Ranger will be LGBT, whilst the Blue Power Ranger will be on the autistic spectrum.

In an interview with ScreenRant, Becky G - who plays the Yellow Power Ranger - explained that "Power Rangers has always represented diversity and they’re always been ahead of the curve on a lot of things and although it may be a touchy subject for some people, I think it’s done in a very classy way, and not only that, in a way that’s really real, because you don’t know, Trini doesn’t know herself, and it’s that moment where she says out loud, ‘I’ve never said any of this out loud’ and that line, where, you know, Zordon says ‘You must shed your masks to wear this armor.’ It’s true."

David Yost, who played the Blue Power Ranger in the original series, spoke about the decision for the reboot to feature an LGBT character, saying that "(they) really stepped up to the plate. I think so many people in the LGBTQI community are going to be excited to see that representation." Yost left the TV series in the '90s over harassment and bullying because of his sexuality.

Meanwhile, RJ Cyler, who plays the Blue Power Ranger in the reboot, explained how he approached his character as having autism, saying that "I just wanted to show a different, like, viewpoint of people that are seen as being on the spectrum, right? Or people diagnosed with Autism, ’cause it’s like I feel like us being outsiders looking in and I take that, I cast my own stone when I say that, ’cause there’s a lot that I didn’t know before."

By all accounts, this shows that the reboot is moving in a much more realistic and grounded direction - particularly in portraying well-known characters in recognisable situations.

What do you make of it all? Let us know in the comments!


Via ScreenRant