Anyone hoping for a sequel to The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader may be a tad disappointed.

It looks like the next Narnia film, The Silver Chair, will act as a reboot for the series.

The fourth instalment follows up from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. They’re basically saying it’s a sequel, but not a reboot. If you’re confused, you're not the only one.

TriStar Pictures will partner with the Mark Gordon Company, the C.S. Lewis Company, and Entertainment One on the project, the series having been previously distributed by Disney and, for the Dawn Treader, Fox.

They have Joe Johnston directing, whose biggest credit to date is Captain America: The First Avenger but he also helmed The Rocketeer, Jumanji, October Sky and Jurassic Park III. Screenwriter David Magee (Life of Pi, Finding Neverland) will be writing the screenplay.

The Silver Chair is set decades after Voyage of the Dawn Treader and sees Eustace Scrubb and his friend Jill Pole brought to Narnia by Aslan to find the missing heir of a now elderly King Caspian.

Will Poulter played Eustace in The Dawn Trader while Ben Barnes played Caspian in the last two Narnia films, but, according to reports, the film is being recast, which also means we’re losing the epic vocals of Liam Neeson as Aslan. No news on the new cast yet.

What are your thoughts – is a reboot what the series needs or is this a terrible idea? Let us know what you think in the comments.