The review embargo for 'Tenet' lifted yesterday evening.

As the final trailer for 'Tenet' arrives, the reviews and reactions have begun to make their way online.

As of 9AM this morning, 'Tenet' currently has a Rotten Tomatoes score of 79% with 42 reviews counted so far. As you'd expect, the reviews are pretty much polarised between absolutely loving it and awarding it top marks, and others which are more considered and less effusive.

For our part, our review was added to the Tomatometer and we scored it 2.5 out of 5. You can also check out the full review right here as well.

Meanwhile, the final trailer showcases Travis Scott's new track, 'The Plan', as well a lot more footage from what we've seen in previous trailers and teasers. 'Tenet' arrives in Irish cinemas on August 26th and is rated 12A by IFCO.

Here's the trailer.