As we're now only a couple of weeks before the start of the summer, we're going to cinemas loaded up with some of the biggest films of the year.

The summer blockbuster season this year looks particularly full, with the early word on some of the films being nothing short of incredible. We've collected the ten most popular films from searches on the website and given you a complete rundown on what to expect at the cinemas this summer.

If you're looking for something a little less mainstream, don't worry - we'll be putting together a list of non-blockbuster films headed for this cinemas. 


The closest one on this list to release date, the early on Civil War has been nothing short of spectacular. It's garnered extremely positive reviews pretty much right across the board and many are calling it the best Marvel movie to date. As well as pitting Iron Man and Captain America against one another, Civil War also introduces Black Panther and further edges us toward Infinity War.

9. THE BFG (July 22nd)

Steven Spielberg's output has always veered in and out of genres, but one thing he's done well and never gotten enough credit for is slightly darkened fairytales. Hook, for example, is a hugely underrated entry in his catalogue. Adapted from Roald Dahl's literary treasure, The BFG follows the titular character - the Big Friendly Giant - and his friendship with a young girl. Outcast from his own people because he refuses to eat children, the BFG must make his way through the world. Expect floods of tears.

8. WARCRAFT (June 3rd)

Together with Assassin's Creed, Warcraft is the Great White Hope for videogame adaptations. It has everything going for it, to be honest. A strong director who understands the material, a well-chosen cast and a decent budget to carry it all out. The reaction to the initial trailers have been somewhat mixed, but the word coming out of CinemaCon is that Jones has nailed the tone and the high adventure of it all. Here's hoping Warcraft does well because if it doesn't, pretty much every videogame adaptation that's not in production will be kicked to touch.


Roland Emmerich's returning to a genre that made him a household name in the '90s and gave birth to Will Smith's film career. When we first heard about Independence Day: Resurgence, there was definitely a measure of skepticism. However, the first trailer was particularly good at both tapping into the nostalgia factor and giving us a rip-roaring sense of scale and blockbuster action. Although Will Smith may not be returning, it's definitely heartening to see Jeff Godlbum and Bill Paxton back in the saddle.

6. STAR TREK BEYOND (July 22nd)

Whether you love or hate JJ Abrams' take on Star Trek, one thing cannot be denied - they're a hit with audiences. The two previous Star Trek films far exceeded the expectations of Paramount and cemented the idea that you could take a previously dormant franchise and breathe new life into it. Star Trek Beyond is, according to what we're hearing, a return to the '60s themes of exploration and frontier space with lots of weird aliens and dodgy planetary landscapes. Idris Elba stars as the villain and you've got the returning cast of Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Simon Pegg returning as Kirk, Spock and McCoy respectively.

5. FINDING DORY (July 29th)

Ellen DeGeneres and Al Brooks return for a brand-new story involving Dory setting out to find her parents, who are voiced by Diane Keaton and Eugene Levy. If that's not perfect casting, then we give up. As you'd expect, there's a plethora of big names in minor roles - including Ed O'Neill as a cantankerous octopus, Ty Burrell as a spaced-out beluga whale, Kaitlin Olson as a whale shark and the return of Crush, the surfing turtle. The trailers we've seen so far seem to have the same warmth and charm of the original, so here's hoping it works out.

4. JASON BOURNE (July 29th)

After the so-so performance of Jeremy Renner, it looked like Jason Bourne was done and dusted. In fact, Matt Damon was even reasonably adamant about how he wouldn't be returning for another one. Yet, here we are with Paul Greengrass back in the director's chair and a post-Wikileaks / Edward Snowden world to explore. We've seen all of fifty seconds of footage for Jason Bourne, but it's just about enough to convince us that this is going to be something special. After all, it's not like Matt Damon needs to return to this franchise unless the story is worth it.

3. SUICIDE SQUAD (August 5th)

After the mixed reviews for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, there's still a measure of hope for Suicide Squad. For one, the trailers have all been pretty spectacular and the much more jovial tone is a big difference to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and its darkened, sullen tone. Margot Robbie, of course, looks like she's going to steal the show from everyone and we'll also get to see what Jared Leto made of The Joker and if it was worth all those annoying gifts he kept sending everyone. He sent somebody a used condom filled with jizz. That's not cute or funny or quirky. That's f***ing sick, Jordan Catalano. You asshat. 

2. X-MEN: APOCALYPSE (May 18th)

What makes Apocalypse really interesting is that, for the most part, this is it for most of the X-Men. Jennifer Lawrence has said that this will be her last time as Mystique and the word is that Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy will both moving on from Magneto and Professor X respectively. As well as this, you've also got Oscar Isaac in a villainous role as the all-powerful Apocalypse - something we haven't seen him take on in any kind of meaningful way in his career. Did you say Sucker Punch? Hah. Good one.

1. GHOSTBUSTERS (July 15th)

If for no other reason that curiosity, Ghostbusters has to be one of the must-see films of 2016. Much has been made of the frankly flat and unfunny trailer, but we get the honest sense that there's something much better waiting for us on July 15th. There's too much working for it not to be as funny as the original. Paul Feig's work has always been solid, bar a few mishaps. You've also got some of the funniest actors working together for the first time and, to top it all off, you've also got a decent chunk of the original cast returning as well.