Right, Ryan Gosling, we think it's time someone sat you down and talked some sense into that pretty little head of yours. The Canadian born actor and errr, general heart throb has only gone and said he wants to take a break from acting.

Ryan was talking to The Huffington Post when he revealed that he thinks he needs to disappear from our screens for a while because he's done too much work in front of the camera for his own good. Excuse us while we attempt to take that in. "I've lost perspective on what I'm doing. I think it's good for me to take a break and reassess why I'm doing it and how I'm doing it" he said.

"And I think this is probably a good way to learn about that. I need a break from myself as much as I imagine the audience does", he added. Hold the phone there Gosling, we don't need a break from you at all at all! Maybe some of our other halves do... but that's another story entirely.

There is more to his decision than meets the eye though. He told the gang at HuffPo that he's not really able to stick being the leading man in the movies for a while. "There's a lot of pressure to be the lead of a film I have done it. It's not my favourite way to work" he revealed. Well, we suppose there's not point doing something when you're not happy. *sigh*

Anyway, it looks as though Ryan really just wants to head behind the camera for a while. Sure isn't he going to be off directing his first movie, How To Catch A Monster, from May? And after that, we're sure he'll be back on our screens again. At least we hope he will, eh?