If they don't make some joke about 'Thor' and 4, they're missing a trick.

'Thor: Ragnarok' is considered by many to be the best of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

After a decent enough start with Kenneth Branagh as director, you then had journeyman director Alan Taylor in for the forgettable 'Thor: The Dark World' before Taika Waititi knocked it out of the park with 'Thor: Ragnarok'.

It was funny, it was weird, it had Jeff Goldblum - you couldn't ask for more from a comic-book blockbuster, and what's more, it fed beautifully into the character going forward. Therefore, it makes complete sense that THR reported last night that Taika Waititi is set to direct the fourth 'Thor' movie.

Details are light, but it's understood that his live-action adaptation of 'Akira' - which he was making for Warner Bros. - has now been put on the backburner while he delves back into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 'Akira' has been on the development merry-go-round for the past few years now, so another couple of years really isn't going to make much odds.

Taika Waititi' s next movie is, however, a markedly different venture altogether. 'Jojo Rabbit' will see Waititi directing and starring in a Nazi-era satire, where he'll play a young boy's imaginary version of Adolf Hitler. Yes, really. That movie is set for release here in Ireland on January 3rd, 2020 and there's already early talk about potential Oscar campaigns.

'Thor 4', meanwhile, has no firm release date set as of yet, but early indications seem to be that it'll arrive on screens some time in 2021.