M. Night Shyamalan's latest offering, the kiddie show adaptation The Last Airbender, may have been torn asunder by critics, but audiences in America have still turned up, taking the flick to a solid $52 million haul so far. This has given Night (as he apparently likes to be called) some more leeway with his next project, and it may very well be Unbreakable 2.
The helmer spewed to MTV News about a possible sequel, "If I think of the right story - and by that I mean something that resonates with me right now, you know, at my age and where I am and what movie I've come off of - if I can do that, then I'll get really excited and I'll write a draft and I'll go beg Disney for us to be able to make it" said Shyamalan.
Unbreakable is a brilliant film; everything about it oozes assurance and patience, and I would love to have seen another one. Shyamalan's last few films may have been shite, but maybe a revisiting of a former glory could install some spring in his helming step.