Following her Reddit AMA, the rumour mill for Captain Marvel and Ronda Rousey's casting has gone into overdrive.

For those that don't know, Captain Marvel is the upcoming female-centric entry to the Marvel Universe and one that's been the subject of huge speculation for quite some time.

Charlize Theron, Natalie Dormer, Emily Blunt and a number of actresses have been linked to the role, however because the film isn't due for release until 2018, it's likely that there won't be any casting news for quite some time.

The character, whose real name is Carol Danvers, received superhuman strength, the ability to fly and lots more when she was caught up in an explosion of an alien artefact. In the wake of the explosion, she became Ms. Marvel before she adopted Captain Marvel as her moniker. The character's been around for quite some time, but for whatever reason, she's been left out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Rousey said that she wants the role and, to be honest, we can't think of a better fit. It's all a question of her acting abilities, of course, and whether she wants to continue with the whole UFC thing. She did have a minor role in Fast & Furious 7 and she's due to star in a biopic based on her own life. Not only that, Rousey has serious nerd credentials. She's a huge Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z fan, not to mention she's posting fan-art that has her in Captain Marvel garb all weekend.


This tactic of posting fan-art has worked in the past, and if the reaction reaches the ears of Marvel, it's entirely possible there could be something on the horizon. The question is, would you want to see Ronda Rousey as a Marvel superhero?