are reporting the depressing news that Brett Ratner is about to put pen to paper on a deal to direct a new Conan film. The much directed helmer, who isn't the worst director in the world, just one of the blandest, has a ton of other projects on the go, but will reportedly prioritise this one for a production date soon. Ratner is attached to a Gears of War movie, Beverly Hills Cop 4, a biopic of Hugh Hefner, and a couple more that we can't even be arsed looking up 'cause they'll probably never happen. Nu Image are funding the Conan film, while they are also set to fund another Rambo sequel after the relative success of the last outing. Names like The Rock and Vin Diesel have been thrown around for the big sword swinging hero; but frankly we can't see past Ryan Reynolds. He's like a less annoying Matthew McConaughey, only funnier, a better actor and without the insistence on taking his top off at every available opportunity.