After the truly awful international posters, it's good to see a little bit of design and effort put into the newly released character posters for Rogue One.

The eight posters, released on Twitter late last night, show the main characters of the story, including Forest Whitaker as Rebel leader Saw Gerrera and Ben Mendelsohn as the ruthless Imperial officer Orson Krennic.

While it doesn't tell much about their characters or the plot, they still look damn cool. Also, that appears to be the plans for the Death Star projected onto their faces and not some kind of weird Maori tattoo or something.

Felicity Jones - Jyn Erso

Ben Mendelsohn - Orson Krennic

Diego Luna - Cassian Andor

Donnie Yen - Chirrut Imwe

Forest Whittaker - Saw Gerrera

Riz Ahmed - Bodhi Rook

Jiang Wen - Baze Malbus

Alan Tudyk - K-2SO

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hits Irish cinemas on December 16th and we'll have a full review hopefully before then.

Via Twitter