As excitement for the release of Stephen King's It begins to build, some people might be taking things a little too far.

The police department in the Lititz Borough in Pennsylvania posted two images on Facebook taken by officers in their local town of a mysterious red balloon tied to sewer grates. According to their post, the police "give points for creativity, however we want the local prankster to know that we were completely terrified as we removed these balloons from the grates and we respectfully request they do not do that again."

Here's the two images in question that are not at all terrifying in any way whatsoever.

Like we said, not terrifying at all. Well, as you can imagine, the post went viral and was shared over 12,000 times in the space of less than a day - and it's gotten so popular that the police department issued a follow-up post on the topic.

Take a look.

Via FacebookÂ