Can't decide if these are hilarious or just awkward

We've done our fair share of press junkets and junket interviews and we can tell you, they're not easy. You're terrified you'll say the wrong thing or not get through your questions on time.

However these tweets detailing the cringiest celeb interviews and Q&As ever witnessed are on a whole other level. It all began with Tweeter Scott Wampler encouraging the Twitterverse to share their "crazy guy at the junket/Q&A" horror stories.


There are the face palm moments...

... the groan inducers...

... to the 'making it about themselves' range....


... to the 'God, no, please make it stop' variety...

... seriously though, are these even people?


For our part, our most awkward junket interviews have tended to involve Paul Rudd. Please enjoy.