More like 'Less Time To Die', or something.

This may be tempting fate here, but this is the first time this year that a movie's release date has moved forward rather than back. confirmed with Universal Pictures today that the release date for 'No Time To Die' has moved from October 8th to September 30th, bringing the release forward by a whole week. If you're keeping score at home, this is now the seventh time it's moved.

The initial date for 'No Time To Die' was set for November 2019, but was forced back with the departure of Danny Boyle and the subsequent arrival of Cary Fukunaga as director. 'No Time To Die' was also the first major movie to move its release date at the very beginning of the pandemic.

In fact, the constant changes in dates has played havoc with marketing for 'No Time To Die'. Daniel Craig, for example, hosted 'SNL' the weekend the movie was initially due for release. A podcast on the movie was launched out of step with its release, and there's even rumours that some scenes will have to be reshot to keep up with product placement deals.

Although the previous year has shown that release dates in a pandemic are a pliable thing, this release date change is going in the right direction - so let's hope it stays that way.