Although his dream of taking on Alien is now over, Neill Blomkamp isn't letting the dust settle - if anything, he's determined to be even more prolific than he's already been.

In a short but buzzy trailer, Blomkamp announced a new project he's been working on called Oats Studio. Essentially, it looks like it's going to be some kind of Black Mirror / anthology series of movies that'll stream on YouTube and Stream and all carries his distinctive visual aesthetic.

Right now, there's no word on what the individual films will be and who's in them - other than a couple of recognisable faces; Sigourney Weaver and Ed Skrein being two we clocked so far - but Blomkamp and the trailer promises "weird shit" in the future.

That's all we really want, at the end of the day. Weird and unique shit. Take a look and judge for yourself.

Via YouTube