The old friends will co-write, co-produce and star in 'The Last Duel'

The last time that Matt Damon and Ben Affleck wrote a film together was over twenty years ago.

'Good Will Hunting' launched their careers and turned them into stars - and two decades later, the Boston friends are teaming up again, this time on Ridley Scott's new film.

Damon and Affleck have co-written (with Nicole Holofcener - 'Can You Ever Forgive Me?') the script for 'The Last Duel', a 14th century revenge story based on the novel by Eric Jager.

They'll also have co-producer credits on the film, as well as starring in it.

Scott will direct them as two best friends, a Norman knight and his squire. The squire is accused of raping the knight's wife when he is away at war. When the woman's story is not believed, the squire asks the king to intervene and they are ordered to fight a duel to the death.

It's not the first time that Ridley Scott has made a period film about a duel, either; 'The Duellists' was his first film in 1977.

There's no word on a tentative release date as yet, or even when it might begin shooting - but Deadline report that things are moving quickly on the project, so expect to hear more news soon.