The Marvel Cinematic Universe is that big, we can easily make 27 quiz questions out of it.

We've still a while to go until the next Marvel movie, 'Black Widow', hits cinemas. So what better way of reacquainting yourself with the Marvel Cinematic Universe by taking this long-ass quiz?

We've got 27 questions pulled from 'Iron Man' right up to and including 'Avengers: Infinity War'. We've even thrown in Marvel Cinematic Universe oddities like 'The Incredible Hulk' with Ed Norton. Plus 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' is in there as well.

'Black Widow' hits cinemas here in Ireland on October 30th, with previews on the the 28th and 29th. The superhero solo outing for Scarlett Johansson's titular Russian spy was originally meant to hit cinemas in May. But it was, like many movie titles, delayed.