How better can today get? It's nearly the weekend and we also have some news regarding the Magic Mike sequel. Given the huge success of the first movie, it grossed a whopping $167 million worldwide, there was never any question there would be a sequel. It was just a matter of who, where, what, when? And according to Joe Manganiello, filming is to begin as early as this Autumn.
As reported by Total Film, Manganiello said, 'Yeah, it’s gonna happen this fall, I think they're going to announce it soon. It's crazy. I didn't think that would be my first franchise. I never thought that would ever be the direction of my career. But that said, it's just proof that I don't know best, all the time. It was the most fun I've ever had, and I can't wait to get back in and mix it up with those guys.'
Channing Tatum recently tweeted a picture of him writing the script and is believed to be taking a more comedy route with this film. The original film was directed by Steven Soderbergh but Tatum confirmed he will not be coming back, ' We'd love it to be a road trip movie, but [Steven] Soderbergh's not directing-like done, done. He's like actually gone,' he told MTV News. 'He's, like, literally gone, gone, so I don't know. It's hard to imagine doing the movie without him. It is still unknown who will helm the movie this time round but it is possible that Tatum might get behind the camera himself.