Rumour has it Lindsay Lohan struggles with boredom when she's not working. Ahhh. So that explains all the DUIs and general run ins with the police. So if someone out there feels like doing something for the good of mankind (or, well, just Lindsay) perhaps you could find the perfect role for her. Maybe that's all she needs; surely she didn't peak in The Parent Trap. Surely, the game-changing role is just around the corner for pour oul LiLo? Maybe that's just me forcing positivity of this rather glum Monday morning.

She's doing OK at the minute though; the 26-year-old actress is due to appear in erotic thriller 'The Canyons' and during its filming she was delighted to be back working on movies.

Erm... erotic thriller? Here's hoping it's somewhat better than the cinematic insult that was Labour Pains.

Talking to The Sunday Times Magazine, Lindsay revealed: 'I needed time to figure out all the c**p in my life that I'd created for myself, essentially, and I kind of realised, 'What am I doing? I like doing this. I like being here. This makes me happy... There was a line in the Elizabeth [Taylor] movie ['Liz & Dick' which stars Lindsay as the lead female] where she says, 'I'm so bored, I've never been taught what to do when I'm not working,' and I'm kind of figuring that out now.'

She added: 'I don't want to take a while off, I want to keep working. There's some other scripts, and I eventually want to direct, so maybe when I'm not filming I can be directing something, because I learned so much from the people that I worked with.'

Watch this space, Ben Affleck.