Is this planting the seed for 'Hawkeye'? Or maybe 'No Way Home'?

"Charlie Cox, yes, would be the actor playing Daredevil."

It's long been rumoured (and hoped for by fans), but could Charlie Cox be back as Daredevil? All signs are pointing to yes, according to MCU President Kevin Feige.

Although Ben Affleck first played the role of the devil of Hell's Kitchen (in a critically-panned film, mind you), it is Charlie Cox and his Netflix series which many fans have now come to associate with the Marvel superhero.

When all of the Marvel series were cancelled at Netflix, there was plenty of outcry. The decision to not continue the storylines of these seldom-visited heroes was heavily covered on news sites across the internet, even petitions began to float around in opposition of the decision.

However, it was all part of Disney's plan to set up their own MCU storylines for the streaming service they were in the middle of developing, Disney+.

No offence to the other properties of 'Jessica Jones', 'Luke Cage' and 'Iron Fist', but 'Daredevil' was far and wide the biggest loss for fans when it was announced. Now it seems that there may be some light at the end of the 'Daredevil'-shaped tunnel at Marvel after all.

Kevin Feige, the man in charge of everything MCU-related, recently had a chat with CinemaBlend and revealed the news we've been hoping to hear; Charlie Cox is technically still Daredevil. However, when that will be, or if it even will happen, remains to be seen.

He said: "If you were to see Daredevil in upcoming things, Charlie Cox, yes, would be the actor playing Daredevil. Where we see that, how we see that, when we see that, remains to be seen."

2021 has seen a lot of 'Daredevil' chat. When the first 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' trailer was released, fans speculated that a man dressed in a white shirt in a police station where Peter Parker (Tom Holland) was being detained, was indeed Charlie Cox's Matt Murdock/Daredevil. All fan speculation, which has yet to be confirmed.

Interestingly, the most recent episode of Disney+'s 'Hawkeye' further planted the crossover seed. Introducing a new adversary called Echo in episode three, she is believed to have connections with Wilson Fisk/Kingpin (played by Vincent D'Onofrio in the Netflix series).

Will Charlie Cox and his Daredevil outfit make an appearance too? Let's wait and see...