Joss Whedon has been confirmed by Disney and Marvel as the man who will be writing and directing the sequel to The Avengers, ending months of speculation.

Whedon recently attended Comic Con and was quizzed by fans and press about whether or not he'd be returning to the mammoth $1.4 billion grossing world of Marvel's elite. He was obviously held back a little with the first Avengers movie - but there were still moments when his distinctive wit certainly shone through. It's easily the most entertaining movie of the year so far and a sequel was pretty damn inevitable. Marvel are being smart about how they move from here; we'll see sequels to Iron Man, Captain America and Thor before another Avengers movie - and possibly a spin-off with Hawkeye or The Hulk.

It's great news for movie fans and hopefully will give Whedon even more clout when he wants to make more personal flicks like the ace Cabin in the Woods.