Oscar winner. America's Sweetheart. Professional slip, trip and faller.
It's fair to say that despite her young age, Jennifer Lawrence has got many stings to her bow. Well she's about to add another one to her repertoire, as she gears up to make her directing debut.
The Hunger Games star is set to direct a script titled Project Delirium. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly the star explained what the story is about.
"It’s based on this article, Operation Delirium about mental warfare in the ’60s, like an acid experiment gone terribly wrong.”
The article in question was first published in The New Yorker in 2012 and it chronicles the research into psychochemicals that temporarily incapacitate the mind as a way to take out enemy soldiers.
This is another foray behind the camera for Lawrence who has also been writing a project with Amy Schumar of late.
Via Empire