He may still look rather well, but Daniel Craig ain't getting any younger, so we were kind of hoping James Bond would be back on our screens in the not too distant future! Skyfall's barely out of the cinemas (yes, it ran for quite a long time in some) but MGM have announced plans to take us on our next secret mission within three years. It's not the worst, but it's still a bit far off for our liking!

As per Collider, MGM CEO Gary Barber said they're already working on a screenplay for the next movie. "We look forward to developing the script soon and signing a director. We are hoping within the next three years it will be released" he said. So are we Gary, so are we!

You'll remember not so long ago there was plenty of talk about who would direct Bond 24, what with Sam Mendes deciding that another Bond film just wasn't for him. Well, it looks like we won't be waiting very much longer to find out who'll be filling his shoes, because Barber says MGM "look forward to announcing a director soon". Ooh, wonder who it'll be?

We may not have seen the last of Mendes when it comes to the franchise though, because word is himself and writer John Logan had been banging their heads together to come up with a decent Bond story. Think Mendes could take a fair stab at it? Let us know below!