Our very own Saoirse Ronan is fast becoming the go-to action girl. Fresh from confirming her Star Wars audition, she is now frontrunner to join Marvel's Fantastic Four reboot with just a little bit of competition from Kate Mara and The Wolf of Wall Street's Margot Robie. While some may argue that no one could ever replace Miss Fantastic's previous incarnation, a blond Jessica Alba (I said some), we think that Carlow girl Saoirse could perfectly fill those invisible boots and she wouldn't even have to dye her hair.

Game of Thrones hottie Kit Harington is one of the better known names being considered to play Mr Fantastic along with Jack O'Connell who is currently involved in an Angelina Jolie project and Miles Teller from next year's hotly anticipated Divergent.

Chronicle's Michael B. Jordan is the only name attached to play Johnny 'Human Torch' Storm with no word at all on The Thing or any potential villain of the story which is currently undergoing re-writes.

We'll keep you posted on any updates, and in the meantime will be keeping our fingers crossed that Saoirse gets the gig.