The adage “laugh so you don’t cry” could very well have been invented for these times. I Can Quit Whenever I Want offers the chance to chuckle at the gloomy headlines. Sydney Sibilia’s first feature, a box office hit that translated into 12 Italian Academy Award nominations, assembles a rag-tag crew of graduates whose high-powered degrees aren’t worth the paper they are printed on when it comes to creating careers.

That’s when unemployed neurobiologist Pietro (Edoardo Leo) comes up with the winning idea of creating a psychotropic drug that is not illegal, because it has not yet been invented; his desperate friends are only too happy to jump on his new business model bandwagon. But while the law might not give them any trouble (yet), the local mob isn’t too pleased at having market competition. I Can Quit Whenever I Want is a terrific farce and wicked social commentary.

Jaie Laplante
Miami International Film Festival

With the support of the Italian Cultural Institute

There will be a second screening on Weds 25 March at 6.30pm at Movies@Dundrum.

Please note that the festival is for over 18s only