The festival runs from June 24th to the 29th

The first ever China Ireland International Film Festival is currently in cinemas across Dublin.

The festival works as a way of Chinese movies being screened in Ireland, and Irish movies being screened in China. The China ChangChun Film Group Corporation, one of the largest studios in China will present a selection of their highlights at the Festival, including Jackie Chan’s '1911', 'The Assassins' starring Chow Yun-fat and Yazhou Yang’s 'The Sun'.

There'll also be Q&As after screenings, delegations on how Irish movies can be screened in China, Ireland as a filming location, not to mention discussions on co-productions as well.

The programme will also see screenings of celebrated Irish films 'Song of the Sea' and 'Once', which will both travelling to China for the Chinese leg of the Festival, as well as programmes of Chinese and Irish shorts which will be judged for Festival awards.

For the full list of screenings, go to for more information.