A good way to gauge the most popular movies of a given year is via Google, our go-to tool for searching everything from news, trailers, release dates and more. As per the Google Zetigeist list, we can now see that it was Warner Bros Man of Steel starring the painfully attractive Henry Cavill that had your fingers clicking at a fierce rate, above all others, throughout 2013.

Coming in at a close second was Robert Downey Jr's most recent offering in Iron Man 3, which sounds pretty on point with what we'd have guessed ourselves. Another movie that had us chattering in early 2013 was Tarantino's fantastic Django Unchained which ranks at numero 3.

Interestingly, despite the fact that James Bond flickĀ Skyfall hit our screens in 2012, it was so popular that it was still being Googled in 2013, filing in at number 6.

Few surprises on this here list, but interesting all the same. What'll it be in 2014?

1. Man of Steel
2. Iron Man 3
3. Django Unchained
4. Despicable Me 2
5. The Great Gatsby
6. Skyfall
7. Life of Pi
8. Zero Dark Thirty
9. Elysium
10. Hangover 3