The latest draft of the Fraggle Rock movie being penned by Hoodwinked scribe, Corey Edwards, has been rejected by the upper brass at The Weinstein Company for "not being edgy enough." I'm not making this shit up.

The writer was understandably frustrated with this turn of events, and went on a bit of a rant on his blog: "EDGY.’ That’s the note. That’s what they are trying to do to the Fraggle Rock movie. EDGE it up! Let me say right now that ‘edgy’ is one of my least favourite words. Since my earliest days in the client video business, ‘edgy’ has been a sign of someone who doesn’t know what they want. Not only is ‘edgy’ a nebulous, abstract word that means something different to everyone, but it chases the immediate whims of pop culture. WHAT is edgy?? Faster edits? Rock music for the score? Boober wearing some gangsta bling? I have no idea. What I DO know is that the word ‘edgy’ should not be anywhere near this movie."

That's pretty funny, and just goes to show that all of the plotlines in Entourage probably come from some variation of reality. Speaking of edgy, has anyone seen that video of Kermit The Frog doing heroin, whilst singing Nine Inch Nails' version of 'Hurt'? Now THAT's edgy. Thanks to for the scoop. 

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