As today is Father's Day, you might find yourself sitting down to spend some time with your old man.

So, if the conversation about your car's tyres or the escaping heat in your house / apartment peters out, you can always bang on a film to soak up the silence and maybe even get a chuckle out of him. With that in mind, we've selected eight Dad Films that he's sure to know and enjoy with a cup of tea.

Take a look.


Clint Eastwood's going to crop up more than once on this list, primarily because Dads - Irish dads, especially - love Clint Eastwood. It's entirely possible that there was a dog in the house named after him, even. Why Unforgiven? Pretty simple, really. It's a film about an aging gunslinger who can still beat the crap out of people and, in fairness, who wouldn't want to look that good when they're Clint's age? Plus, it's also one of the best Westerns ever made.


If he's not a fan of Westerns, skip past these two films. Dances With Wolves is ideal because it lasts about three hours and will almost definitely have him conked out by the end of it. Don't get us wrong - it's a great film, easily one of Kevin Costner's best works, but it's three hours long and no middle-aged father / grandfather can sit in a comfortable chair for that long and NOT drift off for a little nap. The key is to have to have the volume not especially loud, meaning he'll drift off fairly easily.


It's a classic and your Dad will probably regale you about his own boxing escapades, real or imagined, when he was your age. He's running up the steps, arasure I used to do laps around the pitch in Raheny / Clonmel / Derriturn / delete as appropriate. Don't mind that. He's battering a slab of meat? Go away ourra that, he'll break a knuckle doin' that.


Bridge On The River Kwai is perhaps the best example, but any war / army film will do here. You could stick on Papillion, The Hunt For Red October, Saving Private Ryan, Von Ryan's Express, Where Eagles Dare - any World War II / Cold War film would be appropriate. Black Hawk Down may also be of interest, but it's probably a bit too loud for afternoon watching. Bridge On The River Kwai is a good choice because you've got Alec Guinness in there, a great story and there's both shooting / explosions AND engineering / trains in there as well.


Highly doubtful this would randomly appear on television during the day, but if you happen to be watching it, your Dad will probably launch into some tirade about how we should have police like Dirty Harry walking the streets these days. The key here is not to get into with him, just nod and remark about how cool the cars are or wonder aloud how they managed to film that scene when Harry jumps off the bridge and lands on the bus. 


Your Dad probably had a thing for Faye Dunaway back in the '70s, as she was everywhere back then. Possible conversation starters mid-film could include, "Is Faye Dunaway still alive?" - (Yes.) "Is Jack Nicholson still alive?" (Also, yes.) - "What was the name of that film with him and the motorbikes?" (Easy Rider.) - "What was the name of that film with him and the Scientologist lad?" (A Few Good Men.) - "Jaysus, I can't follow this. What's going?" (I'm watching it the same as you, Dad.)


Jaws works with both your Mam AND your Dad, as it's the type of film they probably would have gone to see when they were your age. It's a short enough film, too, and you've also got those great little moments on the boat. There's no sex scenes in it, so no fear of those awkward moments and, of course, there's also Robert Shaw and the fact that he lived out in Mayo in the '70s.


Don't ask us why, but The Snapper always goes down a treat with Irish Dads. It might be because the language is just turrible, it could be Irish Dads and their affinity with Colm Meaney or it could be the fact that they see a part of the loveable Dad in themselves. Who knows. All we know is that The Snapper's a hit and Georgie Burgess is a scumbag. Snip-snip.