Although the reviews have been pretty polarising for mother!, there's no denying that Darren Aronofsky has gone out of his way to make something totally unique.
In a Reddit AMA conducted last night on r/movies, Aronofsky was asked the usual raft of questions - hot dogs are not sandwiches, Rudy's his guilty pleasure movie, The Wrestler ends with Randy dying - but, in the midst of all this, he managed to give a surprising amount of insight into the writing process for mother!.
According to Aronofsky, the entire film was written in the space of five days. Here's what he had to said, exactly as he wrote it. "it started with a five day burst of energy. a fever dream where i unleashed on my poor computer. i banged it out like driving a nail into a railroad track. afterwards we spent a lot of time trying to unpack it trying to make it more traditional."
However, the unpacking didn't work and, as he tells it, the story "proved to be just like when you wake up from a vivid dream and you try to remember it but it disappears into the ether. ultimately that initial burst of five day energy was mostly preserved."
So, just how polarising is this film, you ask? Gavin Burke wrote the review for us and gave it five stars, but the Movie Show reviewers pretty much hated it. That's how divisive this film is. It's literally ripping this site in two.
Via Reddit