She was the only actor not credited on the poster

Marvel Studios have had to back-track on the 'Avengers: Endgame' poster because of displeasure from fans.

In case you missed it yesterday (WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?) 'Avengers: Endgame' dropped the most recent trailer for the upcoming superhero jaunt. We also hope it's the final trailer we see, to save us from any potential Thanos-sized spoilers.

Anyway, along with the fresh new trailer came a brand new 'Endgame' poster. Marvel Studios posted it onto heir Twitter account.

While the poster looks cool and all, and only features those Avengers who have been left after Thanos' snap; fans were a little peeved with Marvel. Danai Gurira, who plays Okoye, was the only actor who failed to get their own name credit at the top of the poster.

The Zimbabwean-American actress, who plays a vital role in 'Black Panther', as well as being a bad-ass, scene stealing warrior, was left out in the cold - and fans reacted.


Some made the very valid point that Bradley Cooper, who voices Rocket Racoon, and Karen Gillan, who wasn't even an Avenger last time we checked, were given credits.

Fortunately, Marvel Studios noticed their *mistake* and fixed it a few hours later.


We prefer this one though.


Here's the new trailer for you in case you missed it yesterday (or want to watch it for a 10th time). 'Avengers: Endgame' will be in Irish cinemas on April 25th.