Get ready to leap through the trees in slow motion again lads. Word on the streets is they're getting ready to make a Crouching Tiger, Hidden DragonĀ sequel .

The Weinstein Company has apparently entered into talks with Fearless director Ronny Yu. Deadline reports that Yu could helm the sequel while fight choreographer Woo-ping Yuen may return to make sure the battles are still, well, epic.

If it goes ahead, the second film will reportedly be based on Silver Vase, Iron Night. The novel is the fifth in Wang Dulu's book series and is actually the sequel to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Wouldn't be a bad choice then would it lads?

Young Guns scribe John Fusco has written a script so now it's just up to the lads to get the production's wheels in motion. Won't be the same without Ang if you ask me...