Michael B. Jordan's got to be absolutely bricking it and we don't blame him.

27-year-old Romanian boxer and fitness model Florian Munteanu has been cast as Ivan Drago’s son in the upcoming sequel to 'Creed, joining Michael B. Jordan, Sylvester Stallone, Tessa Thompson and Ivan Drago himself, Dolph Lundgren, on the film which is expected to start filming this spring.

'Rocky IV' fans will remember that Drago killed Apollo Creed, Jordan's character's father, in a boxing match at the beginning of the film so it's not much to assume this film will focus around a fight between their sons, and it looks like Munteanu has been doing plenty of research, even dropping hints at the role onto Instagram.

Nicknamed "Big Nasty", Munteanu stands at 6'4" (compared to Jordan's 6') and is intimidating as hell if his Instagram is anything to go by.

Stallone revealed the casting on Instagram, calling him "245 pounds of talent".

'Creed 2' will mark Munteanu's acting debut.

'Creed 2' is scheduled for release on November 21st.