Remember xXx? That really crap Vin Diesel film he did after the first Fast and Furious film?

Good news, friends. He's doing a turd one. No, wait, a THIRD one. There we go.

Diesel announced on Instagram - of course - that casting is moving ahead with xXx 3 and none other than Conor 'I beat men to a pulp in the time it takes you to flush a toilet' McGregor is involved.


It's no surprise, really. Diesel has a decent relationship with the UFC, having been involved with getting Ronda Rousey and Gina Carano involved with the Fast & Furious franchise in the two most recent entries.

Whether McGregor will have any speaking part in the film or what remains to be seen. It's interesting to note, however, that news of this comes on foot of UFC 194. Did the casting hinge upon his success in the ring against Aldo? Probably not.

So, over to you. What do you think of McGregor heading to Hollywood? Will it work? Could you see him acting? Is a cameo in Downton Abbey on the horizon?

God, that'd be amazing.


Via Instagram