We're just going to preface this article by saying that we're about to drop a major spoiler for Kingsman: The Secret Service in a second so if you don't want to see it, then we suggest looking away now.

It seems there really is no stopping Colin Firth's Kingsman character Harry Hart (AKA Galahad). Not even death. 

Despite a memorable death in the original, Firth had been rumoured to show up in the sequel for some time and now it's all but confirmed thanks to co-star Pedro Pascal's Instagram account. 

The Narcos star posted the below image yesterday along with the caption 'Hide behind Harry. #SafePlace #Kingsman2 #TheGoldenCircle'


The return had been teased before, with a poster previously hinting that rumours of his death had been greatly exaggerated

Firth will be returning alongside Taron Egerton and Mark Strong. Joining the cast for the sequel are Channing Tatum, Julianne Moore, Jeff Bridges, Halle Berry, Vinnie Jones and Elton John.

Via The Guardian