Christoph Waltz makes his feelings clear about "the insanity" of Breixt.

When we sat down Christoph Waltz to talk 'Alita: Battle Angel', the first thing the Austrian (not German) actor wanted to talk about was Brexit.

Naturally enough, it's on everyone's mind and there's no denying Waltz's strong opinions on the topic, but it's clear that there's a connection - however tenuous - between the post-apocalyptic world of 'Alita: Battle Angel' and the looming fears of Brexit and what kind of chaos it'll unleash on England, Ireland and Europe as a whole.

We also talked about how Waltz works with CGI and whether it's anything like experimental theatre, if he can help stop the tide of extremism in Europe, and whether he foresees an apocalypse on the horizon.

Yeah, the interview got intense - to put it mildly. Take a look.