Now that the dust is beginning to settle on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, people are still picking apart the film's flaws and plotholes.

Chris Rock, who recently held a Q&A at this year's Tribeca Film Festival with JJ Abrams, parked the whole thing to think out loud about the tentpole blockbuster. "Did you see that Superman Batman shit?” Rock asked Abrams, mid-question. "What the fuck was that? I can say anything, they weren't going to cast me anyway."

Rock went on, believing that "Superman can't fight a guy that drives a car!"

"He gets a flat. Like he's going to fight Superman. Needs Triple A, but yeah, he can fight Superman. He's got JUMPER CABLES, and he's going to fight SUPERMAN."

He and Rock further discussed the trend of superhero / comic-book movies, discussing another critical and commercial failure, Fantastic Four. "Could you direct the Fantastic Four?”, said Rock to Abrams. "I love the Fantastic Four and they keep fucking it up! Like, god damn it. It's the Fantastic Four."

Of course, Abrams has his hands busy with producing the next two Star Wars movies, Star Trek Beyond, a sci-fi film about the God Particle and who knows what else he's got up his sleeve. Trying to turn Fantastic Four around isn't on his list of priorities, most likely.

Which, to be honest, is a shame. Abrams should definitely try his hand at a Marvel / DC Comics film at some point.

Via Vulture / Tribeca Film Festival