Will Thor ever get to meet Deadpool on screen?

Chris Hemsworth is definitely game for a Thor/Deadpool team-up.

Now that the 20th Century Fox and Disney merger has officially happened, all of their properties are now fair game for the House of Mouse. From superhero capers such as 'X-Men' and 'Fantastic Four', to franchise classics such as 'Die Hard' and 'Alien'. Not forgetting of course, one of Fox's most successful franchises in recent years, Ryan Reynolds' 'Deadpool'.

The question on everyone's lips at the moment is - when will we next see these movies on screen? With 'Dark Phoenix' and 'New Mutants' coming out later this year for what looks like the final hurrah for the X-Men - when will we see 'Deadpool 3'? The movie is currently in active development, and will more than likely have to go through more hoops than usual to get past the Disney execs from now on.

Adding fuel to the fire following the merger, Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth, has welcomed Ryan Reynolds to the Marvel family. In the illustration posted on his Instagram page, Hemsworth captioned the picture with "our love child", and has Deadpool wearing Thor's helmet and a miniature-sized version of his hammer, Mjölnir.


Reynolds has yet to respond to the post, but we're sure he has something cooking. On the day of the merger, Reynolds posted a tongue-in-cheek picture of his Merc with a Mouth heading off on a Disney school bus.


Whether we ever see these two fine characters on screen together remains to be seen - but we can dream. Should any new announcements come from Disney regarding former Fox properties in the future, the earliest we're likely to see anything will be 2021 unfortunately.