And it was one man's job to get rid of them

It's strange times we live in, indeed, but somehow even stranger is the recent news about the woefully bad 'Cats' movie.

Due to us all having a lot more time on our hands these days, we've all been passing our time at home by watching various movies and TV boxsets. One particular person to do this recently was actor and producer Seth Rogen, who decided it was a great idea to watch the movie 'Cats' while he was high. Now it turns out he could have watched an even worse version than the theatrical release.

According to one Twitter user, writer Jack Waz, he has a friend who worked on the visual effects team of 'Cats' a month before the film was released in cinemas. He says that his role was an important one - removing 400 CGI derrières. We kid you not.

Rogen saw this information, and tweeted: "Release the Butthole Cut of Cats!!!"

And thus, the news about a 'Cats' buttholes version began to sweep the internet.

Unfortunately, it seems that this version may not ever see the light of day, as an anonymous crew member from the film has since said that he never saw a butthole version. He and his team did however have constant conversations like "does that look like a fanny to you?".

Nevertheless, here are some of the funniest tweets in response to Seth Rogen's sharing of the story. They're almost as unwatchable as the film itself.