"Once upon a time in Hollywood - ain't that the truth..."

As Oscar speeches go, one of the most anticipated of the night was undoubtedly Brad Pitt's speech for Best Supporting Actor.

For one, his speeches up until had had some cracking jokes, and really demonstrated just how likable and gregarious he can be, and who doesn't want more of that? However, when Pitt finally got to the plinth, no doubt the event overtook him a bit.

Instead of being somewhat laconic and funny, Pitt looked and sounded truly emotional and his voice began to crack as he opened with a joke about John Bolton and the Senate impeachment trial of Donald Trump, before thanking Quentin Tarantino.

He went on, extolling his co-star and fellow Oscar winner, Leonardo DiCaprio. "Leo, I'd ride on your coattails any day. The view's fantastic," Pitt joked, before thanking cinematographer Robert Richardson, Robert Garcia (Pitt's driver, we checked IMDb for that one), and Mike Moh - who played Bruce Lee in the movie.

Pitt ended the speech by thanking his children as his voice began to crack even further, thanking them and saying that they "colour everything I do".

Take a look.