
Brad Pitt is a man of many metaphorical hats... He's a movie star, of course, a producer, has his own wine company, and now his "creativity" is headed in a whole different direction. One that has arguably been kick-started by Gwyneth Paltrow. Kinda. Ish.

You might look at Brad Pitt and think "wow, he's got his life so together"; he's rich and famous, handsome and clever, but once upon a time, he was missing the one thing that is instrumental to life in 2022 — a skincare routine.

According to Brad Pitt himself, Gwyneth Paltrow was the catalyst to him incorporating a simple twice daily face wash into his life. The mind boggles, right?

Thankfully, with wrangling from his makeup artist Jean Black, expertise from ex-girlfriends, and of course, Ms Paltrow, he found his way with creams and lotions and potions, and has actually delved into the skincare world as a kind of anonymous guru.

Yep, Brad Pitt is the latest celebrity to release his own gender-less skincare line, coming after the likes of Hailey Bieber and Rihanna. Skincare is 2022's answer to celebrity perfumes from way back in the 2010s. But Pitt claims to be adamant about remaining mostly faceless in the business endeavor to let the products do the talking (after speaking about it to Vogue, of course).

He talked to Vogue about how he'd never have launched his skincare line 'Le Domaine' unless he truly believed in it and its viability — and we can assume he's being honest, since he uses hard evidence as proof that he only takes on projects he feels strongly about.

That project? A rom-com with "Sandy" Bullock that he left in the dust, explaining "a husband and wife team, who were QVC’s most successful salespeople, but we’re getting a divorce, we hate each other, and we’re taking it out on air as we sell things… That’s as far as we got".

'Le Domaine' is natural, vegan, and sustainable. Not to mention that it steers clear of toxic branding like "anti-ageing" — Pitt believes in growing old with health and grace. Having said that, he feels like his new products have really helped his skin and boasts of the results.

To be fair, he does look great.