Which is your go-to?

A question on Reddit has got the community reminiscing about some great films. What movie is the best anti-depressant?

For some, the best anti-depressant movies are animation classics. Many turn to comedy for that feel-good factor.

In any case, it seems there are a wide range of movie titles that banish viewers' blues and fill them with wholesomeness instead.

Reddit user JimJimOnionSkin suggested 2000 Dreamworks animation 'The Road to El Dorado' as the best anti-depressant movie.

Redditor sharrper said: "'The Blues Brothers' is always a ton of fun for me."

Others suggested 'Clue', 'Coming to America', 'Cool Runnings' and 'Pirates of the Caribbean'.

sockstosleepb noted "'Hercules' always puts me in a good mood'. Meanwhile AlaskanMainah wrote "Despite its post apocalyptic themes, I love 'Wall-E'."

A case was also made for Amy Adams starrer 'Enchanted' ("watching the "how do you know that you love her" musical number, outdoors in Central Park, puts me in an elated mood every time I watch it. I'm careful not to watch Enchanted that often just so it never loses that effect on me.") and 'A Knight's Tale' ("its absolutely amazing and full of so much fun and good times while still being really good. RIP Heath).

Other suggestions thrown in the ring include 'Galaxy Quest', 'Airplane!', 'Ratatouille', 'School of Rock', 'The Princess Bride', and 'Hot Fuzz'.

Let us know some of your favourite anti-depressant movies in the comments on Facebook.