Are you over seven foot? Wanna be famous? Pack your bags and head for England because JJ Abrams wants to talk to you. Reports are coming in that Bad Robot / Lucasfilm are looking for a "male, 7 ft to 7.3 ft tall with a slim/thin build and upright posture. Not too worked out or too ‘thick set’ especially in the shoulders. Broad facial features would be a bonus." 

In other words, they're looking to cast Wookies. What's that, you ask? That's one of these dudes right here.

Uber-nerds will know that Peter Mayhew, the actor beneath the fur-suit of Chewbacca, was in and around seven foot and a similar casting call went out when they were filming Revenge of the Sith. Some people are speculating that they're looking for Gungans - that's the Jar-Jar Binks character from Episode I. Allow us to dazzle you with our knowledge and prove why that's wrong - in Episode I, the character who played Binks had a plastic helmet stuck to his head that they used to act as the height advantage for Gungans rather than cast tall people. Plus, as well, Gungans aren't exactly tall to begin with. They're, like, average height so that doesn't add up at all.

*adjusts thick-frame glasses*