You might not think he's the best actor in the world (you're TOTALLY wrong, btw), but you have to give it to Arnie - he knows how to make and keep fans.

The ex-Governator is on a press tour for Terminator Genisys and, despite this, he still took some time out to comment on Reddit.

Arnie's quite an avid user of the website, regularly popping up on fitness and bodybuilding subreddits to talk with fans.

One such fan was talking about going to see Terminator Genisys with his father, whom had sparked a love of movies and Terminator in him back in 1991 with Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

However, the fan's father had recently began showing signs of dementia and Alzheimer's, becoming more aggressive and disorientated.

Bringing his father to see Terminator Genisys, he explained, made him come back to life and made him smile for the first time in months.

Schwarzenegger responded on the comment thread and then screencapped a handwritten note to the fan's father, which you can see above.

We know now why you cry. But it's something we could never do.

That's a Terminator quote, FYI.

Via reddit