15 questions all about what was on the silver screen in 1997

1997 was 25 years ago if you can believe that.

A wide range of films made their debut this year, from James Cameron's sweeping epic 'Titanic,' the satirical action film 'Starship Troopers' to comedies such as 'As Good As It Gets' and 'The Full Monty'.

1997 is also the year this very website turned 25, so we've compiled 15 questions about the hit movies of 1997!

You'll be tasked with recalling the stars, the awards and the blockbusters of this vintage year for cinema.

As always, no consulting IMDB, Google, the RTÉ Guide!

Have at it, and be sure to share your score with us on social media!

Be sure to check out all of our 25 years of content right here.